Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well it's about time i started to make money on some of the shit i have collecting dust around my house. I have finally become a seller on Ebay and can now sell my junk and make money. I posted 6 of my NFL football helmets from my collection this morning and last night, sold 2 alresady and have listed 4 Heart of the hide Rawlings baseball gloves and have sold 1 already. so far I've deposited 275.00 into my checking account form these early returns! feeling really happy about it and can make a shit load of money fro some of the new parts on my bike that are unecessary and some old ATV gear when we had quads. I am also looking at selling my guitars, an electric Fender Stratocaster and an Ibanez Bass guitar, never put the effort into lewarnig how to play and will be rid  of them , each should bring between 200-250. Have some golf shoes and a set of mizuno clubs even some newish Adidad Golf shoes i can sell, sports equipment coming out of my ass which is collecting dust and i am really into this seeling stuff and making money thing. I told terria this can be for our Orlando trip in July and for tires for the Motorcycle which i will go through in a hurry this summer when the weather heats up. not rising like I used to but still plent hard and will abuse the rubber i know.  So the whole sell on ebay instead of buy on ebay is quite the concept and i'm liking it very very much. So far i have my helmets and gloves that i love but will never use, i do have 5 gloves that will never hit the lot and i am stuck with those to pass on to Brandon and his use if and when he ever decides to play again. So tonight we ventire to bally's again, work the knee really hard again and again get home in  time to watch our Presidents speech and then watch whatever comes on after that. i am feeling better everyday with the knee and hopefully this Friday i will be able to take my Italiana out on the road to give her the initial raping that it needs to get accustomed to, so bitch better be slap worthy i tell ya and if not, well I'm stuck with her and will grin and bear it and know she will perform nicely on the roads and byways of Southern California. today is much better i that we have essentially a full crew and I have been afforded the opportunity to get away and play a Little on the computer today and get this ebay thing rolling nicely. so 2 pm is upon me now and i Am on the homestretch for getting out of here in a timely and righteous manner. the gym will consist of i don't honestly know, burning calories I guess  but riding the bike with a stiff knee sucked ass yesterday and know it was a necessary step in the loosing up of the knee and flexibility is very important in the rehabilitation of it all. i have already gained strength on it and have moved down 2 plates in my leg extensions, the presses are not a problem nor are the leg curls and any other exercise there at the gym. so feeling good and trying to look better in the grand scheme of things, health wise trying to get the sugar levels lower and the fat content lower as well.  Today has been a good day, tonight will be even better and tomorrow , Who the hell knows but i am ready for it whatever it brings me. Gotta find boxes to mail my ebay good to their buyers. Good Times!

1 comment:

  1. still posting more ebay crap that i own in and around the house tonight. golf Shoes, tennis shoes and even motocross boots sitting in the garage. Thanks Brandon i have a few helmets and a glove to ship tomorrow and a few bidders on a few other helmets. all tolled I can make over 1100-1200 dollars by the end of the week for shit that was collecting dust. Don't get me started on my guitars that will fetch some good money.i'm ready and in pitch and ditch mode to really clean out the house and get rid of this stuff that essentially takes up room and keeps money out of my pocket. doing a rough guestimate have over 2k in things that sit here and do nothing.Unbelievable, so we will have a great Orlando trip out of this and not have to dip into the till for this trip,Golf,Seafood and my wife all in one great summertime ,Hot trip ...good times!
