Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sundays and Ironies!

Sunday morning and its warm at 72 degrees and really a beautiful day and trying to find something to do. Not sure about the gym or Golf balls for Terria but it's wait and see right now. The knee feels great worked it out yesterday and actually hit a few golf balls and thought better of it. Might have done too much on it but the Dr said I could work it out and could not hurt it all at and based on my pain tolerance do what I can do he did tell me, so I did! A little more swollen today but less painful, no pain meds necessary,I am not a pussy when it comes to pain that's for sure and really don't like taking medication at all so I try not to. One of my stitches has a leak in it and has bled a little the last 2 days but not really a big deal I think so I'm not too worried, clean it up and move along, Terria has been my nurse again, changing my bandages and re-wrapping the compression bandage and the knee really feels good and I want to try to work it out or do something ,many many thank you's to my wife for being so amazing yet again and treating me like a King. At least she doesn't have to wipe my ass this time.  Not into the football games ,or really football in general ,waiting for my beloved Baseball to come back sooner than later but have another 2 months before we head to Arizona and watch Baseball live during spring training in Glendale,cannot wait for that and truly love Baseball and haven't really looked forward to it as much as now. Really getting tired of the Nig Nog sports and truly don't say that as a racial slur but as a means of dealing with the mentality of football and Basketball players and their self promotion shucking and jiving bullshit that makes me ill. Guys celebrating doing their jobs by dancing and struttin really irks me to no end. So Baseball the one sport where this is  not that allowed or tolerated, otherwise you take one in the ear next time up if you circle the bases too slowly or watch you long ball too long.I've seen it done and love when it happens ,keeping people in check for the sake of professionalism is a good thing and preserving the purity of the game and I'm on board there.  Everything is falling into place and feeling really good about things today. A b it of irony occurred yesterday, the day was the 27th anniversary of my fathers death and we were all aware of the day, last night we got a call that my mother had fallen outside a restaurant and hit her head and nose. Terria hopped into action and I threw some shoes on and were there in 5 minutes, she sat on the curb with a restaurant employee and was stubborn in not allowing them to call EMT's  and she waited for us to arrive. Her nose was badly scratched and bloodied, she missed a high curb with her step and didn't clear it and fell, .We took her to Community memorial hospital and had her checked out,  no concussion and no broken bones, just scratches and hurt pride is all. April and Tim were there in minutes after we were and Richard and Linda met us at the hospital. We all sat around sharing the ironies of being all together in a hospital on the day which commemorated the death of my father some 27 years at St Johns Hospital. So we were all there together and I even kidded my Mom  by saying you didn't have to fall on purpose if you  wanted us all together on this day, but regardless we were all there and that's what families do,support each other when needed. I am glad we all were able to be there with my mom and to see Terria jump into action so quickly was again truly amazing to watch here take over and get shit done! Loving every minute of  it and I now understand leaders are born not made! Thanks to Terria and April for always being the strong woman in my life and giving us all the best that they have every day of their lives. How Blessed am I?? Very much /so Good times and great days ahead. Much love to all!

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