Friday, January 14, 2011

Surgery Done and Done well

Feeling really good right now, surgery went went well and Dr. found more stuff in there than he projected but cleaned it up and made it all right, re-aligned the knee cap and says move it and use it so I will do a light workout tomorrow and get it back strong again. The day is a beautiful day and the sun is shining bright, i was a little nervous and was thinking all kinds of things as I was about to go under, most of all, missing my family , my Terria and my boys if something went wrong but all went went well and surgery that I put off for so long is behind me now and look forward to the other knee being done here soon. Many thanks to my Family and friends and the full lobby of my family of kids and mom and sisters and brother and the wives , so nice to know that I am so loved by so many. I could only think of the waiting room when a /dr. came out asking for the family of a patient and nobody was there, this verywas sad for me and felt that blessing of my family all there waiting for me in the end. God has been so good to us all. Thanks to so many and feeling really good right now.Headed to take a nap and relax a bit

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