Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another day in Paradise

It's my Friday today and relaxing at the front desk not many chose to make it to work today so I must cover some of the slack again. All is well here and my knee feels great today as do my spirits are really high and cannot wait til tomorrow when I take my initial ride on the Ducati. so for today I have desk duty and then hitting Golf balls at lunch then a trip to Ballys for another great workout. Yesterdays was among my best in a long time and could not do enough to get tired. As I said the knee is stronger everyday and is coming along better than o ever imagined and my strength is increasing based on the amount of plates I can now lift with my leg. Saturday we clear out Terrias storage and some of our garage in the hopes to make room for the motorcycle and give it a home in the comfortable confines of the garage. Sent another shipment of eBay goods out via Postal service and await the next round of goods to be sold. So I sit  in agony here in the office and await lunchtime golf balls. Good day and out of here at 3:30 today and digging it. So more to come later. Good days!"

1 comment:

  1. Figured as much , i typed this post from my iphone and now come back to see all of the typos and had to come back and patch up the mess, so here i am fixing the shit and awaiting the lunchtime bel to get out and enjoy the driving range. tim just texted e about wanting to play Sunday
