Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thanks for the Birthday surprise Lunch

Being a person who does not like surpirses i was given a surprise birthday luncheon at work today. they made tri-tip and salads and all kind of good stuff. Bought me an inscribed cake and ice cream and was really cool of them to do so. I do have a good crew here at work and they all really show how much they care by doing nice stuff for everybody on their birthdays, usually we share the month with everybody who hads a birthday ona given month, apparently there are 3 January birthday yet i go one all to myself cuz i'm special, yeah special ed that is. anyway, it was a nice surprise and thought i was really going to get away today with no fanfare and fuss and muss, buti wasn't able to. all the crew pitched in and made the food , bought the meat and all sat around and enjoyed tyhe moment. til next years celebration of life , we shall meet here again next year . Thanks again to the crew and friends for making today a vcery nice one for my birthday, get to go home and celebrate some more with the family , even my mom was invited...lol

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