Monday, January 10, 2011

Good morning greetings from Cold Cali, currently 45 deg.

Happy Monday morning, woke up with a sinus headache from the heater being on all night last night. it was a cold one for us Californians, low 40's and really felt it last night. Today is a good day, the crew all in rare form and ready to NOT work but here nonetheless. Looking back on this weekend and the shooting in AZ. was really a sad and horrible way to start the weekend, just shows you that there are a shit load of unstable folks out there and ready to spring into action at anytime. Sorry to say that there will be a new swing on rally's and other public events, very much like airport security after 9-11, a rash of paranoia will set in and politicians won't feel safe amongst their constituents anymore, very sad but very real! Tonight bring upon the national championship game from Glendale Az and hope the Oregon ducks play their game tonight, I might not be able to watch it but hope they do well in my absence. I am really sore today for some reason, too many golf balls and gym workout , the cold weather yesterday caused every swing on the range to radiate through my back and carry on to today. so today is definitely a day off from the golf course and maybe a day off from the gym depending on how i feel or how guilty i feel after the fact ! I was glad to see that Terria was somewhat back on track to be normal in her feeling well and having more energy. Still am anxious for Friday to come and go and start feeling better again, the knee is swollen a bit today  ,stopped taking aspirin and aleve so the knee is sure to be more achy and swollen because of that, Dr.s orders of course so will wait til Friday to start getting back to myself again.  Brandon has talked about starting to play ball again  and i do too so this will give me some inspiration and drive to get healthy and knees all fixed so i can start tossing it around a bit again and hitting the shit out of the ball like i used to. I do forget that I am older now and do do things as well as i once did but that the mind talking and the body listening i guess , so we shall see, breaking in the gloves and need to toss the ball around a bit, haven;t thrown a Baseball in 3 years which seems almost criminal to me these days but funny how life and shit can take over and take you away from the things I used to do so regularly. Amazing to me how Golf is so much harder than Baseball for me, golf is a weird animal where the ball sits there and mocks you into hitting it hard ,far and straight, not easy to do even if you practice alot like i do. Hitting a moving Baseball is so much easier for me, and Baseball is the single hardest thing to do at the professional level, trust me it is, but golf , such a slow and cerebral sport where a psychologist is as necessary as a swing coach! But anyway as long as it is continuing to be fun and entertaining i will continue to do so. til later on in the day i bid a farewell and a Good day wish to anybody and everybody !

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