Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I think,don't dream,but Perceive

I may be wrong in my approach
my thought filled mind never stops to rest
I lay my pillow under my head
thoughts of everything never cease

I think myself to sleep again
a pitching wedge or a second gear turn
I feel the roads under my feet
the patch of green in front of me

My loves, my lusts put me to bed
the winter cold beneath my nose
A baked potato by my side
I gets too hot and off i ride

My Goodness cup is to the top
it overflows and never stops
replacing goodness with a wetness of life
no towels or mops but a nurturing wife

Where do i go when the dreams do stop
Wants and desires that never drop
off the face of a newly paved road
I walk the walk and talk too much

A million ideas and a billion thoughts
skinning cats and ideas that that never mesh
trying too hard to understand
what makes this boy become a man

Running from youth and away from age
a new adventure on a different page
I fear not the result but the voyage
My fears are steeped by my own knowledge

One wall toppled another awaits
voices carry and communicate
A hand held firmly that only i know
we hold and build and continually grow

My message is to listen carefully
awareness is my new best friend
My gifts and glory are given so frequently
positively free from negativity

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