Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Bloody Tuscon!

This weekend has really brought very little excitement, Terria is still down and under the weather and I don't get to close for the fear of catching her cold and thus canceling my knee surgery next Friday. Sarurday came and went without incident, very dreary and overcast and stayed inside for the most part after meeting Tim and Ape for breakfast at the Chuck wagon in Camarillo, went to the golf store and found nothing, headed back to Ventura and then home for a nice quite rest of the day and evening of TV and reading. Today starts out for me as a typical opening up the paper  Sunday morning ,Got the LA times newspaper and turn on the laptop to see hat the day has in store for us! Very Sad to read about the shooting in Tucson yesterday, the congresswoman and the others shot, 6 killed by a young man with issues, sounds as if it's one of those republican radicals at it again because he was touting the constitution and mind control  so sounds like a republican anyway. Even to the point where my most hated human being in the world, Sarah Palin's website had  a democratic top 20 hit list to get of in the next term by the republican in 2012 elections, each marked with cross hairs on her map, she did close down her site and remove this after the tragedy by go figure the congress woman who was shot is a democrat and was one on Sarah Palins list, how strange and yet scary. But anyway the Sunday has barely started and I have no plans to golf today, very ugly and cold for us here and look towards the gym later on and nothing really on the tube except Golf, not into Football or even Lakers Basketball. Waiting for Baseball season badly and cannot wait for Spring training to get started and see the real deal and be done with the jive ass self promoters in the other sports and back to the hardest thing to do in sports, hit a
Baseball! So Sunday come what may I'm trying to warm up but running around in my boxers doesn't constitute making a bonified effort so long pants here i come. Good Days !

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