Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Day has Started

Hey! Tuesday is here and ready to tackle the day here at work by blogging my ass off. Not much going on here, no drama in the workplace yet and my Buddy rich is handling his breakup with the ex GF really well, she is using the child as a hostage now and her true Mexican colors are coming out right now. i tell him to sit back and let her implode and for him just  to be the best father that he possibly can, his little girl will always be his little girl and the mother will be a bad after thought. So he 9is doing better and his visit to Michael really helped out his mind at ease! I'm doing very well thank you very fucking much this Ebay selling thing is really some work i tell you, the research and the constant updating, answering buyers questions , sending responses in a timely manner is really work, then coupled with the whole shipping aspect of Ebay! That is a job i tell you, having sold 12 items already and have made 1200 bucks in 7 days, really incredible, now that the good stuff is gone i need to find more stuff to sell, golf Clubs, gloves and other things that are here are very tempting to sell but would regret the fact that some of these are somewhat sentimental, but i can sell the Mizuno Clubs never will sell my Ping i3's those are my first fitted set of clubs that I bought 12 years ago with my friend Rudy who is no longer with us ,so these will stay out of respect to my Friend Rudy and my love or the Ping brand. Telling terria that we have already paid for the Orlando trip and that is a good thing, we should do very well on our Federal returns this year with the big interest credit from the house payment, just 9 more years and we are done paying on this home in the ghetto, but it is home and we try to make it nicer each day. As for me , the Knee is fucking amazing right now, I have actually come back to about 70% strength and am lifting more weight with it each day. Feel like dancing and really want to get out and walk a little and test the other one out to see if this one get a cleaning out anytime soon. Things are great Terria readies for her Hawaii trip to see Brazman and she is excited about that, don;'t know what i will do i n her absence but i sense Tim will come to the rescue and take me out and golf and stay busy, have gotten way used to having my wife with me most every day and by my side when we cook , clean and relax so it will be weird and haven't gone longer than 5 days away from her ever! So we carry on and think about the future knowing the past is done and gone and hoping that the open minded thought processes stay in tact as they have been. Life with apprehension is a tough cookie to crack and am trying very hard to alleviate that aspect of the healing for both Terria and I so we continue to do the things we need to do to make tomorrows future even better than today's. Very interesting conversation with Brandon, he has lost his luster for the culinary thing and now wants to continue his degree towards History and teaching, all fine and good i guess, but a 25 year old with a lack of direction is not a good thing but we support whatever he decides to do and hope this is what he really wants to do. He once spoke of joining the military but his bad knees were always the excuse, so now he had an appt with my Orthopedic Dr. last Friday and will require the same surgery that i had on both of his knees and thus removing that issue with his knees. The fact that this kid is so goddamn intelligent and good at everything he does but cannot find that direction to focus on and hit it hard. He would score in the 90's on his asvab which would entitle him to do whatever he wanted to do in any branch, but being that he has so many fucking tattoos is stuck with the Army as the only option. he is close to an AA degree which would entitle him to officer candidate training with his high asvab scores and his his overall intelligence. This would also help to pay for his college that he could attend while serving and then could come out and become a teacher which by that time would be more lucrative and more jobs available by then. But all we can do is suggest and he really needs to figure out the way he wants to go, he has a hard time finding things he is passionate in doing, he does everything so well  but never lasts in any area too long due to disinterest or something else! So the realization of the culinary arts didn't work out like i knew it wouldn't, long hours and stress filled work environment for not so good pay, even at the top levels the pay isn't worth the stress  and cooking is a passionate thing , you don't cook to work, you cook as a passion and that he didn't have so we move forward and at 25 he has a little timer left to figure something out. it took me til 26 before i got my shit straight an settle with the Govt. and here i am today and fine figure of a man typing her eat work doing his Ebay while being paid top dollar to do so. Life is definitely good and the boys and Terria  are keeping me young and happy. Even though Ty drives to Beverly Hills everyday to work in a professional Doctors clinic while having independant study at  school from home. He is back at his dad's house with his girlfriend and already has a car payment through his dad and the word debt is a good friend to him these days, a boy who has truly taken hos own youth away from himself but the good thing is that he is not afraid to work, that is a good thing. Braz still readies for the war and prepares him self the best he can with a wife who's infidelity right in front oif him has hardened him very much and for that i am not happy, not all woman are like that and i try to tell as does terria that moving on is not failing , it's setting yourself up for  better by having somebody who loves you and treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Raise the bar people, Raise the goddamn bar. If you don't think enough of yourself to require the best, than you will always settle for second best because thats where you see yourself in the grand scheme of things, as second fiddle, Not my me and not for terria but to watch our boy be hurt on a daily basis by a young girl who we took in as our own and treats him like shit is inexcusable in my eyes, but they live and hopefully learn from their mistakes, i've always been the one who preached,"learn form others mistakes and don't repeat your own mistakes1 good days and good times for the Saurus. god bless my family and god bless our Armed Service members and their families.we all go through this together

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