Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Very good day today

This day has really taken off and is nearly done for me, its nearing 330 pm and I feel like i just got here 20 minutes ago, not for being busy but for being occupied mentally I guess. Cannot wait for this operation to be done on my knee and to get back to a better quality of life pain free. This morning one of the girls said she was hungry and was going to make herself some ego waffles in the toaster, i asked her if she wanted me to make her something in our kitchen she said no thanks, how about Kapn Crunch french toast" Yes Please with a childish smile and a clap of the hands. so i made the office french toast and they all ate like the spoiled brats that they are. After that i went back to my desk , went up front ands answer phones til after noon and lunchtime was upon me. i went to the driving range and hit golf balls pretty good today. but before i left my girl Angie all 5-9 117 lbs of her skinny ass asked me if i would make her some Onion burgers for lunch, she slaps a 2 lb piece of ground beef on the table and says" please" Of course i will I tell her and throw the kitchen sink into these burgers which she requests at least once a month, along with her now favorite lemon cake i have been experimenting with. she eats so much and has had 4 kids and is thin as a rail and complains about not being able to gain weight...ughhhh. So i made her burgers and then went to hit golf balls and got back from lunch around 2. sitting up front right now thinking about the day , the night and getting home and enjoying my wife and sons company of doing whatever we want to do. Brandon on break from School is home all of the time and doesn't go back until the end of the month in Santa Barbara. so enjoying the days and truly the nights, been colder than normal but i won't complain,  friends in NY and North Carolina are near freezing if not below that, so we are good with our chilly 66 degree day here in the Nard! Tonight s menu is marinated chicken of some sort and baked potatoes, we have a gift card for BJ's that we might use tomorrow after the gym so we shall see what we decide then. Closing out another glorious day here at the Base, working very little and paid more than we deserve is such a blessing and could have never happened if i was not so damn fortunate back on  day one some 21 years ago when i landed here and started from the bottom making what amounted to like 6 bucks an hour and full benefits, so how far I've come and how time has flown by and made me realize that life is short and fleeting. we think we have a lifetime to get things done and we really don't, we blink our eyes and our lives bring us to today, on the downhill side of life and still plenty left in the tank for this kid, even though being 48 , i like the next 30 years if God allows me to do so.  Well the day is over for me here and i can only think of getting home to my loved ones and as i always say" doing as much or as little as I want" til later, i can say it has been an awesome day!

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