Friday, January 7, 2011

Pre -Op and Pre-Weekend

Kind of a bummer the past few days, Terria is under the weather and really not feeling too good, still goes to work and still does her thing but nothing left for the gym and we had to cancel Michael last night, bought her some soup last night when i was out shopping for dog food and a few other things. It helped her throat and she is on some sort on cocktail which includes tea and lemon and ecanacia and some other crap. Her big worry is that she gives it to me and with my Knee surgery next week I cannot get sick or they will postpone the procedure til i get well,so keeping my distance form her which really sucks ass anyway to say the least , but it is what it has to be at this point . so sweetie ,i hope you are feeling better today and really will do whatever i can to make the days easier for you so let me do it! Got news that Braz and Nikki are in Barstow, got in late this morning and are there for a month of training for urban warfare for the trip to Afghanistan in march... Booooo!!!!! hiss I say but it is what they signed up for , they just left Socal on the 1st and had to go back to base and then return 5 days later. there will be no leave for them and they are essentially prisoners in Barstow training for the upcoming deployment!!! Other than that business as usual for me and T, we are ready for my surgery and don't expect5 any complications from it, went in for pre op yesterday and the Dr seemed confident that it would be a mere cleaning out and a 45 minute procedure and very routine. So with that being said I am ready for it all and need to get into the best shape of my life and can do so now without fear or hesitation after my surgery, the other knee will be next and that will really be the door opening up widely for a healthier way of living. So everything in life is status quo and really good, Terria will heal up , my knees will be new again and nothing but trying to stay healthy and continue the growth of Greg and Terria beyond it miraculous heights to date. We are so damn blessed to walk out the door each day knowing the drive home,e is a happy and very complimentary place to come home to each and every night after work. yes it is Friday but seems like everyday has been Friday for a long time now, i love the fact that it is not a struggle to come to work, but more so not a struggle to want to be home with my honey and my Boy after a good day at work. Hoping the weather cooperates tomorrow, might take terria out for her first trip on a golf course and play at least 9 holes tomorrow here on base. we shall see how she feels and if she is mentally ready to not be overwhelmed by the big lush green golf course. Either way we will be doing something side by side and enjoying the day together. So it's Friday and it's my working Friday and apparently payday, I never know when that is and realize that it is when i am working on Friday that it is payday. must be nice to not be living paycheck to paycheck, but still spend too much money on things and eating out, especially when i love to cook so much but we have slowed down on that, and eating out trends to be less healthy and more expensive all in one, so essentially we are paying double for the money and the health consciousness of it all. so now ready to install the new screens for our computers we just received, 22 " computer screens LCD to go along with our 400 dollar office chairs that are amazingly comfortable, WOW! and her ei thought the Govt. was in financial straits but i guess we are more spoiled than the tax payers will ever know, so with that being said I'm probably starting a 60  minutes investigation as i type this, and apparently there are quite a few folks who read my shit out there so here's to it all i guess and if you feel the need to report a lowly Govt. employee having a eye friendly screen and an ass friendly chair go have at it with the reporting of Fraud waste and abuse just make sure to replace the slippers and Pajama bottoms with shoes and pants before you get reported for Welfare abuse ..lmao! I kill me sometimes but being an ass is part of the charm i guess. For now I'm out of funny stories or clever statements but like MacArthur I shall return with a Vengeance and soon too !


  1. Thank you Honeeey for taking care of me in sickness and glad you are getting the knee(s) taken care of! And REEEEAALLY??? 9 holes??? The better question is are you ready for that??? Here's to US & the weekend!!!

  2. I haven't done shit for yet really, you were the one did the unspeakable stuff after my accident but you're welcome if thats how you feel about the project! Love You!
