Saturday, December 23, 2023

This is it!

 Today was another horrible day

Negative, sad thoughts

What could've been and what is

I can't complain just bare the pain

I re- read texts over and over again

Each time an angrier version of the same story

Trying to grasp this disillusioned scenario 

No answers just cold air

I cried today

Lonely and empty with my thoughts

My actions, my frame of mind

So far from who I am

Maybe I am a thoughtless asshole

Narcissistic, arrogant and heartless

All I know is I destroyed a great foundation

And a perfect woman too good for me

To see her disappointment

To feel her pull away

Left me feeling worthless

I'm dying inside today

I reach out and call your name

You can no longer hear me

If you could what would you say

I want to read your letter

Another night approaches me

I'm afraid to close my eyes

My biggest fear, my biggest reality

I'll wake up alone in the morning

I call your name several times

You can hear me now and look away

My thoughts and dreams are with you now

But you're so far away

Another goodnight to you my love

More sleepless nights ahead

Trying to find the meaning of it all

I'm clueless and alone

I feel the doors are closing soon

My job was poorly done

Each day that goes by without you

Is another day I dread

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