Saturday, December 2, 2023

So I Pray

Most people don't know I am a spiritual man

Oddly enough , I am

I'm not the Church on Sunday or bumper sticker with the fishy guy

Just keeping it real and won't ask for much.

My mind runs wild with every passing second.

My thoughts are generally good. 

My actions are sometimes questionable.

My God, why am I here?

I pray for you

I think of you all day 

Maybe I should have prayed for myself on occasion.

To fix the broken parts of me

I pray myself to bed at night

Conversations of thoughts gone wrong

Should have been thanking the lord

Instead of wanting more

Goodnight my love as I wait for you.

my mind plays tricks ,is this all a bad dream?

I'm wide awake with nowhere to go

The clock ticks on as I waste my life


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