Monday, December 18, 2023

Table for one

 I read your texts

I feel your pains&anger

You ask me why

Damn! I wish I had an answer for you

We talk all night text messaging

You open your heart and share your angst

I sit here dumbfounded and numb

Emotionally and morally bankrupt

You say I profess my love to you

The action falls short of the Mark

I robbed you of your trust for life

I've taken away all you thought was real

Your pain is a crescendo

Rise and fall with every word

I try to be a soothing calm

It is I who created the storm

You feel that I just don't care

I'm heartless and arrogant

You"ll never know how I feel for you

If I told you I wouldn't be believed

Liar and a cheat

Infidelities and deceit

How can I ever retreat

From who I really am

The conversation changes

We laugh and make a joke

The past is so far behind us

Reality throws me to the ground

That dream of reconciliation

That dream away from what is real

The reality of my heartless acts

And the love I'll never again feel

I'm tired and I'm hungry

I excuse myself to get s bite to eat

The realization of a meal alone

Alone at a table for one

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