Thursday, December 28, 2023

Free fall

 I need some sort of sign

Something that will show me a better day

Trying to find it is fruitless

I'm running out of patience and daylight

The darkness of the days are intense

My nights are filled with an empty hole

As I keep falling through this gap

I ask myself what am I doing

What can I do to make it right

Continue to beat myself up

Succumb to my worldly mistake

Move forward towards I don't know what?

If I could sit down and speak to you

I know what I would say

I don't know if you would hear my words

Nor believe a word I say

I wonder if the mistakes I've made

Have me imprisoned in this hell

Punishment for promises unfulfilled

And the bullshit I've tried to sell

Goodnite my dear it's getting late

I'm tired from my travels

This journey to a destructive end

As I brace myself for another fall

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