Friday, December 29, 2023

Run away

 I've run out of things to say

This is my only friend

Always here when it need it most

Which is most of the time

I'm running out of things to believe in

All that mattered don't believe me

A broken heart can be broken once

But it doesn't stop me from breaking others

I'm running out of things that matter

I've given in and given up

Emotional scars and physical pain

No turning back just accepting my truths

I'm running circles burning s path

Of most resistance and most difficult route

I want to get off this Merry go round

The park is closed and won't turn off

I'm running out of days to live

Meaningful and happy times

I hold on to vivid memories

It's all that is left for me

Running further and further away

Going nowhere yet fading away

My only savings grace in life

Is to be forgiven for my existence 

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