Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Runaway Happiness

 I'm losing traction on my destination

Time and circumstance have taken over

My body is weak my mind is broken

There are no lights there is no tunnel

I wander through the minutes of each day

Lost and beaten by the demons inside

I would have hoped my life would follow a plan

I followed the wrong thing and here I am

Looking for a positive hold

My support system has let me go

I cannot blame but myself

This disaster called my life

My heart is broken

Now it truly is

The doctors won't fix me

My Psychologist has no answers

Every turn provides memories

Around the corner another thought

How could I blow up my treasure chess

Why can't I fix this bad mistake

I put on my clothes again today

Another thing we bought together

When does this pain go away

Whenever your pains go away

It's not about me it's all for you

Your happiness is my biggest concern 

I've ruined my shot at a perfect life

Misery loves company and you're not invited

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