Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The bottom

 Falling quickly

The mind and spirits have gone

To re-live my biggest mistake

Nightmares that never end

So as I sink towards the bottom

Falling and sprawling

Crying and trying

To regain some semblance of dignity

Making my bed but can only lie

Truths of the matter cannot hide

I see no light on the outside

So I imprison myself where I can hide

My realities are damp and cold

My truths have yet to be told

Somewhere out there pain lingers

I look in the mirror and look away

As I descend towards an ugly fall

I brace myself for the end of it all

Too much time and no distractions 

Living in darkness is my only attraction

Many days I see your face

I miss the look of love and goodness 

I see the world with tearful eyes

The bottom of the pool where my body lies

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