Friday, December 22, 2023

Lost it all

 Today was the nail in the coffin

I'm buried alive with guilt and blame

Accountability for inability

So many failures unexplaine


I broke her heart and her soul

Buried her 6 feet above the ground

Her trust and goodness left me behind

It's over now , watch me die

I killed a love that had no faults

I'm bleeding quickly wet and alone

We made our final voyage today

A visit to the fucking bank

I asked for forgiveness

I was given a cold look of disgust

I miss so much of what I had

If only I can make it right

I'm a broken man who broke her heart

Mistakes not ever forgiven

Living my life without my heart

Living a life of sadness well deserved

Today we ended the chance I had

Last deposits and separate ways

Our sadness dripping from our faces

God please find me a better place

Good-bye Terria my rock of gold

My only love I'll ever know

When I wake up from this day

I beg this a dream gone astray

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