Saturday, December 2, 2023


I apologize tonight

Tomorrow and everyday forward

My inability to do what's right 

I've been here before

To my family and friends I ask for forgiveness

to my wonderful wife I ask for my world back

The very world I couldn't appreciate and protect

The world that has come crashing down on me

Disappointment is too kind for me

I let too many people down and don't know why

This state of worthlessness

I construct only to destruct

Missing dates and holidays

Birthday dinners and barbequed Saturdays

I miss my life very much

I miss my wife so much more than that.

Again ,I ask to be forgiven

No hatred no ill will 

I've never deserved the blessed life I lived

Nor do my loved ones deserve what was given

Deceit and evasiveness ,trying to hide

Whatever I was looking for and never found

You hurt, I hurt, maybe tomorrow will be better.

Wake up tomorrow and give it a try

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