Thursday, December 7, 2023


Going back to 2010 on this site, I was reading the comments section and came across many from my wife Terria. she was always so positive and good for the soul.I felt the love and admiration in her comments and truly believe that she came into my life at the right time and I embraced her goodness for what it was, another chance to find happiness with a person who loved me faults and all

Makes me sick to think I threw it all away and never truly appreciated her goodness and love for me. My life will never be the same, hers will be better and I always loved the song "wait for me" by Hall and Oates. There's a reason I loved this song and I realize that it was meant for both of us to wait for one another, moreso for her to wait for me to get my shit together. I always knew I was flawed and she with stood my unorthodox approach to life. Again I thank you for dealing with this mess you called your husband and know that I can't ever hurt you again. Love always, /ME 

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