Thursday, December 7, 2023


She said I ripped her heart out of her chest

Squeezed all of the blood out of it

Dry and broken

What have I done

We took a vow 

She followed it

I drifted away

Sad and lonely

When all I leave behind is heartache

Where all I am is a bad memory

The good times don't seem so good

I've made my bed and burned it to the ground

I asked her to reconsider

Take me back and work this out

Another dagger in her heart

what was I thinking to ask for forgiveness

Our days are coming to an end soon

I pack my crap and prepare to move

I've thrown away more than I keep

I've lost more than I ever deserved

I try to enjoy my last minutes in my house

It's hers now and I'm not welcomed

I feel the hatred and tension

All I want is to be forgiven

I ask too much to be forgiven

I wish and hope but it will never be

She can only take so much

I took away 25 of her years

Broken hearts and spilled blood

Broken promises and deceitfully living

How can a man be so cold

He's not a man just a shadow

I asked myself what would I do with another chance

I prayed for it, dreamt about it

The greatest gift in the world

Forgiveness and another chance

That was yesterday when I wanted so much

That was many miles huge from where I am today

I'm bad news and I won't come back

Even if she wanted me to

I can't hurt her anymore

I won't hurt her anymore

I need to bow out and face thr truth

I should never have trust given to me

I've never been much of anything

Shortcuts and the path of no resistance

The easy way out is where I go

So I leave and let the wounds heal

In my last few days I hope to say goodbye

To my past, my problems and my pain

I know the grass is not greener

But I know it's not just dirt

Thank you for the years of joy

And the incredible memories you have given me

It's sad I didn't grow with you

And didn't hold on to what was mine

This chapter is finished

Turn the page

Find another book to read

Find a different life to lead


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