Thursday, December 28, 2023

The long heal

 Still recovering from the holiday

Mentally exhausted, physically broken

The kids still here for one more day

I will miss them and it will be quiet

Trying to recall last holidays

I don't recall where we were

Only that this year came and went

I was so out of place

Thinking about my losses and constant pain

Somehow making it through day to day

If I have a question I need to ask

My answers left me to figure it out myself

Today is a new day and all seems lost

I figured I would have gained perspective

But instead I'm losing my mind

I wish she would talk to me

I stand back to let her heal

Wonder what is on her mind

Will she still hate me forever

All I want is a normal conversation

I'm asking alot from her

Forgiveness and a caring heart

I realize that her heart's still bleeds

So I will step aside and try to heal

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