Monday, December 25, 2023


 Living with so many flaws

Broken man with broken dreams 

Enough was never enough

Now nothing is all I have

Great memories of all we shared

Amazing trips to nowhere in particular

You were by my side and that's what mattered

I reach my hands out to empty air

I'm not perfect so far from it

Knowing my capabilities to self destruct

I carry on as if nothing's wrong

I'm not surprised,arrogance mistaken for ignorance

Wondering what I was thinking

I never did so what's the difference

I can see it all very clear

After the fact and damage is done

I know who I am

And what I'm capable of

Mistakes and stupidity

Living with a sadness I've created

So when I turn off the lights tonight

Metaphorically speaking the am I over too

I wrote my honey a note today

This is the saddest day of my life

I know every cliche in the world

I am that cliche of all that is 


I've made too many mistakes to be forgiven

All I can ask is you find your way 

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