Saturday, December 30, 2023

Crash II

 Throughout my healing from my crash I was taken care of by my wife Terria, took me to appointments, made all calls,gathered all the medicine and treated my wounds from home. Wrapping my surgically repaired let with treated gauze and keeping it clean. 

I was blessed to have her by my side for all follow up care as well as moral support when I was defeated. I can also thank that nameless young man who pulled me out from the trailer. My family always supportive

I do want to thank Terria for being the best,person, friend and wife a man can ever have. I never deserved her and must live my remaining years a lonely sad and dishonest man who didn't respect my wife or the vows we took together. She held up her end 20 fold, I fell short and now beg for forgiveness.  I've been blessed in all aspects of my life who has chosen deceit and self sabotage as a means of being who I am 

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