Sunday, December 24, 2023


 I have so many fond remembrances

Times I cherish and hold onto

Times that seem like yesterday

Even if they were 20 years ago

You gave me so many great memories

So much goodness we shared together

Times of thought provoking conversation

When I listened I learned so much

It is a new day to trudge on through

Thinking of days without you

When I look back I smile so bright

Tears of reality flow tonight

A road trip , a planned vacation

Watching Hallmark movies on Saturday night

Listen to music on video

These songs now make me sad

I drive away from our favorite spots

Too painful to relive those thoughts

I miss our each and everyday

I miss new memories that have gone away

With all of my love I truly regret

I burned our House down but remember when

We shared and cared and deeply loved

The presence of each other and our love taps

Moving forward creating a new day

Making memories all over again

I see you happy somewhere else

I'm so happy for you I can let you go

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