Saturday, December 30, 2023

Crash Anniversary

 Three years ago today

My world changed dramatically

I crashed my bicycle and went down hard

A stranger saved my life

I crashed into a sewer grate

Spaced to far apart

I crashed and flew under a trucks trailer

Under the rear wheels I lay stunned

A young man walking by with groceries

Stopped and ran to me yelling get out of there

He dragged me out from under the rear wheel

The light turned green the truck drove off

My leg swelled up

Went to the hospital for treatment

3 weeks later I went into surgery to remove a large hematoma 

A year of wound care therapy, I limped and felt so weak

Time has passed and I still can't walk

My crutches and my walker

Is it my back?, neurologically induced

5 doctors later they still don't know

I'm thankful that I survived that day

Though it's clearly been a struggle

Suffering from pain and PTSD

And losing the love of my life

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