Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Is Next

 I wait for answers that may not come

Another Doctor appointment 

More questions to be asked

So an impatient man waits and waits

The unknown all too common

Wandering through the days waiting for a call

Good news? Bad news or just another unanswered call

The wait is killing me inside

Moving forward with my life

Looking forward still peaking back

Waiting for that phone to ring

But it's from Scam Likely 

I expect too much

I don't realize what I've done

I would have received a call by now 

If I had murdered someone instead of cheating 

The pity parties are long over

The healing has been slow 

I'm a cripple in my body and soul

I've ditched my crutch for a 4 wheeled friend

Closure for me is a call,a text ,a letter in the mail 

The doors of my pain are wide open 

Where all I have left is unrealistic hoping

And the power to do nothing but wait

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