Thursday, September 26, 2024

Shut Up And Listen

 Growing up I would always listen

To every conversation absorbing like a sponge

I was enamored with words and gestures

People talking with their hands

I watched and I learned how people communicated

Telling their story as if it really mattered

Sometimes the words were in Spanish

But I would follow the quirky gestures

In all this time I too have been observed

By my family friends and children

I wonder if they learned anything

From my self-serving banter

I wonder if I've left anything tangible

That they can take with them as a learning lesson

I have instructed ,directed and made my opinions heard

But was there anything constructive that was said

I feel I have nothing to pass along

A lesson that was learned

A quality that was admired

Did they leave the room when I appeared

I've always had that ability to speak my mind

Always very proud of what was said

In looking back I shake my head

I really had nothing to say

Maybe I should have listened more 

you learn so much when you do

It's like talking during the movie

Nobody is there to listen to you

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