Saturday, September 7, 2024

On That Day

 When a friend of mine sends me bible verses

Am I really that damaged 

Do we have a thumper amongst us

Where did that come from

Yes I've made some serious mistakes

And have asked for forgiveness from my God

I'm not religious but have read the Bible many time 

Hoping for a better interpretation that I understand

I'm not a religious person but very spiritually in tuned 

I see the good in everything until proven otherwise

I do my best not to judge, asking for forgiveness when I do

After reading the  Bible so many times, I end up with the Golden rule

I can't quote much scripture but I can tell you right from wrong

I won't tell  you how to live your life, I'm No Republican

I can only try to be a good person limiting my mistakes

I have made too many and still ask to be forgiven

In the end when they tally up the score

No one, not myself or their opinion will matter

We are chosen by a higher being and a much higher standard

I believe most of us greedy, lying cheaters will probably end up in Hell. if not here already

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