Saturday, September 7, 2024

It's A Struggle

 It's been too long since I've enjoyed the simple things

I'm too focused on the pains and aches of life and body

The daily struggles to get around are just that 

Struggles that I am very tired of dealing with

People say that adversity can build character

Well I must be an academy award winning Mother fucker

It hurts so much to remember the past

When I couldn't sit still and was riding, running and carrying a bat or a racket

Now I try to get out a do my picture taking

Photography is a relatively new found joy

Mobility is required to do it well

I'll settle for ok on a Cadillac Walker

Still waiting on a call from my lost friend

The call I don't expect to come

But I hope and wait nonetheless

What else do I have to do today

Life's mistakes are what they are

I can't go back a rewrite was has been scripted

So today I workaround and get around the reality and pain

And physically deal with my own 

I've been given so many gifts in my life

Wonderful loves and amazing family support

I will never complain for the life I've lived so far

When my time comes I simply say thank you!

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