Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Hunter the bunter

Energetic fun loving little boy

Polar opposite of Aubrey

He wasnt' as affectionate or as loving

He could run all day

Papa could never chase him

He made me angry with his behavior

But he made me laugh because he is fun

I know he's like his father

self-absorbed and arrogant

He's only 8 there's a chance he grows 

Into the fine man his Father Ty has become

I miss my Hunter, not like I do Aubrey

But his magnetic and at times annoying personality

Make me feel like there's a void in my heart

I miss his little smile and attitude

Hunter I know will do something big

I wish I was there to see it all

My hopes are to hold them both

Aubrey, Hunter and Papa eating a good cheeseburger together

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