Monday, September 16, 2024

The Sun Doesn't Shine (It's Dark)

 Today is a very somber day for me

I hear the problems of others, and it takes me to my own

I hold on and fear I'll never let go

Only death allows me freedom from this hell

I hurt inside and out

The body pains I can deal with that

My emotional plight

Takes me to the darkest places that seem so far from here

It's dark inside, there is no light

I fear my life is over

But for some fucked up reasons

I live to fight another day

Another day is here 

I'm as lost as I was yesterday

Does tomorrow come with high hopes

More disappointment that I may not be prepared

My eyes are watered and swollen

MY heart is cracked and dry

My soul has abandoned me years ago

I'm a heartless man without a soul

I pray, I pray and pray some more

For the first time in my life I don't pray for myself

I think of my lost ones',wife,kids, grandkids

And don't deserve them at all

I've beaten myself up, kicked my own ass

It's redundant, tiresome and I refuse to continue

With each thought comes a negative answer

Each breath brings me closer to the fork in the road

When is it time to fight this fight

Where do I go when I lose again

In suspension and losing my wits

Purgatory for the losers in life

Which way should I jump

Into a river that flows away

Off the bridge to a concrete jungle

I won't trouble the lord he has better people to save

Yes it's dark and very painful

I miss my boys I hardly know

I miss the life I used to know

But none of it was real to me

I always wanted more than I had

Greener grass or Septic gardens

No appreciation for the greedy soul

Try living on the poor side of town you Fucking Fool

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