Friday, September 6, 2024


 Everything in my body is numb

The only thing I can feel are hallucinations at night

I can't sleep , I can't dream

I can only think of everything I've lost

My body has left me 

My mind is lost

The days are shorter and nights are forever

Sometimes I don't want to be here anymore

This must be what purgatory feels like

Right before I go to hell

I've been dead for awhile now

My body just won't cooperate

I'm alone in my mind

Thoughts too negative to share 

So I hold my ground and await 

Whatever my dreary future will bring

I don't miss the misery I've created

I live with it everyday

I cope and hope for simple things

A bathroom visit that comes on time

My memories don't matter much anymore

I have forgotten what made me happy

It's quite alright I'm where I am

Punishments for crimes committed

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