Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Black Out

 There's a text or an email coming your way

I hope you get it, I hope you read it.

More so I hope you respond

But I know it goes on empty eyes

You want me to leave you alone

I have tried so hard to give you time and space

Many months have gone on by

How much time and space will you need

I'm not asking for much

A hello would mean the world to me

Crickets and an empty page or response

I wonder what you're thinking

Forgiveness is a painful choice

Pain and sorrow get in the way

Is there something that could be said or done?

I'm alive but so very much dead to you

When you love you love unconditionally

We hope to never disappoint 

The realities of a flawed man

Too many to be considered for pardon

I reach out and nothing is there

I've asked to be heard but no one is listening

When does this Black out see the light

When a person try to do what's right

You've shut me down and turned me off

I don't exist and how can that be

I wait for the lights to be turned back on

This Black out is painful and the doors are all closed

Tomorrow I send you a message

Tomorrow I get no response

Each time I try to communicate

I  anxiously wait for your response

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