Thursday, September 26, 2024


 I know I'm my biggest critic

Harshest and honest critic

Looking back on my life's work

Of course I see the faults

I look at how I've treated people

How I could have been better

From Parenting to Marital attempts

What will my grandchildren remember the most?

I've made 2 attempts at marriage

Each one failed for their own reasons

I was a terrible husband on both accounts

I didn't see it all back then

Being a father at a relatively young age

I wasn't prepared for the task at hand

I've learned that yesterday's apathy

Are the reasons for today's therapy sessions

I thought I knew how to love

Instead I tried to teach

Lessons of right from wrong

When all that was needed was a big hug

I don't have many friends

The best ones are sparse at best

I don't go out of my way to keep in touch

But we know where each other are

It seems I'm good at breaking hearts and promises

The Golden Rule should be applied right here

I have forgotten my place in this world

But have done thing I'll never forget

I have looked at my life with honest eyes

So much failure and compromise

Spent so much of my life objectifying

It cost me everything I've loved

I never got to say goodbye to my kids

I never said goodbye to my wife

I only said hello to a new life

That I still don't understand

So I was a terrible Husband and Father

Not much of a friend 

MY grandkids may see it differently

How could I be so bad at so many things

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