Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The End Brings Perfection

 I'm very bitter

Despondent in regards to the big picture

I don't fear the end result

I embrace it with both arms

I tasted the end result

It's in the air I can smell it

There's nothing wrong with feeling bad

It's the new norm like a cup of coffee

I've driven the roads to euphoria

I've crashed and burned from inside out

I've pissed blood and shit my pants

I was ready to go right then

I've been spared

Somebody once cared

My well being was so damn important

You got the House, the friends and the Dog

I'm not mad about that

My gift to you for fucking up your day

My gift to myself for fucking up my life

Too late It's already done

People can walk on by a man in the fetal position

Beaten and tattered and nobody checks on him

He's bleeding internally, he's wailing aloud

Everybody back to work nothing important here

I can say humanity has surprised me

They see me coming and they open all doors

They see me stumbling along behind my Walker

They rush to make sure I never open another door

The Gods, Karma and stars align

One day I walk and open my own doors again

I see my boy and my little ones

Pops and Papa G is paid his due and respects

I'm gone for good 

Never got to say goodbye or even hello

I'm a better man, a free man

I will never make another mistake

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