Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 So many questions still unanswered

My patience is dying a very quick death

My health, my state of mind

Are so far from being healthy

My amazing Cardiologist gives me reasons to hope

I won't die from my heart tomorrow

My Neurosurgeon tells me nothing yet

So I stumble and fumble to walk

Certain days I'm over it

Other times I want to quit

I've missed 2 days from the gym

I'm feeling guilty and out of sorts

A break in routine throws me off

I do what I do how I think it should be done

Sometimes the mind and body

Don't speak the same language

The waiting game for some sort of answer

Why am I feeling this way and what is the cause

Is there are cure for my weakening stride

The bathroom seems so far away

It has changed my life and the way I live

I don't go out much it's too hard to get around

My mobility has gotten worse

My will to carry on this way is nearing its end

I want to know what

And I want to know why

I need to know How

I needs answers before I go crazy

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