Sunday, September 26, 2010

a Trip of lessons learned and love appreciated

my last night in north carolina and feeling both sad and happy. happy at seeing my wife and kids tomorrow nihght ,yet sad to leave shawn and his true awesomeness of himslelf and his wife an d kids who jhave opened up their home and hearts to the gregasaurus with amazing kindness to me with so much grace and spirituality of what good people do for one another. tomorrow we will head out for duke university and north carolina at chapel hill. after that grab lunch togehjer and then drop me off at raleigh airport at 400pm for my 550 flight. to memphis,then connect to lax at be in la at 10 pm. i will be soeexcited seeing my honey terria curbside picking me up and will give her a huge hug and kiss . this trip has brough me so much love and awareness and an appreciation for my friend shawn that i never truly understood today i watched my friend shawm look into his sons eyes with so much admiration and love it made me cry and so many emotions wenmt through my head as i watched him take care of his 3 year old who was born with cerebral palsy and has so much love and laughter to give, having no functions of hos motor skills the boy is an iontelligent boy with the mind of his siblings just no way to control his body functions or movements i am so blessed to have seen and experienced this for myself the this has aged my Friend of 36 young years, he now has more gray hair than i do and he is as genuine a human being as there ever was. this trip has given me added perspective of love and life and made me even more aware of all that makes us truly good is within our reach i love my life and wouldnt change a thing about it, and i can honestly say my good friend Shawn feels the same way. god puts us all in places to prosper and shine, boy have i seen proof of that these past 5 days. honey im coming home and thank god for us! thank god for giving us the strengths to persevere thru the past and shine on through together with the goodness that we each deserve and share on a daily basis good night and god bless us all

1 comment:

  1. that is an awesome recollection of your trip-- a revelation of your own life (glad you can see it all from the big picture) and also the appreciation for others who have been given a path that's not always embraced by their peers, their family, their friends because its something different...For you to see that love a family can have for all of their children--typical & non typical...God knows what that means :) but one who was given a road that's not as smooth as ice...but has some bumps in it..but I always sit back and think --don't we all have bumps in the road at some point? weren't we always told the best things in life are the ones you have to work very hard for?
