Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eddie and The Tide- One In A Million

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes a song can jar the soul
    I remember this song and the first time I heard it play
    Asking myself
    would I ever be able to say this in Earnest

    Being an undeserving soul
    never truly feeling whole
    and punching myself in the back of the head
    falling down and living dead

    I love a toe tapper and a screaming guitar
    a song that takes me back and brings so far
    into reality and holding the dream
    that yesterday fallen trees have a reason for being

    climbing the hill and nearing the top
    the fears are falling no tears will drop
    I see a horizon and a bright light
    The tree to hang myself is nowhere in sight

    I've traveled a journey long and hard
    victories everywhere and Aces for cards
    My hand is dealt and i double down
    The fruits of joy are all around

    So when i hear this song and once thought
    will Greg ever find something not store bought
    I have a gift so precious and true
    My willingness to give it away and what would i do

    Grass is never greener ,just another shade of green
    the world around me is never clean
    I see my sweetness so near to my heart
    We will never again be apart

    Living is learning if we do this right
    choosing my battles and when to fight
    thanking God for choosing this very brawl
    his gifts of love and to never again fall

    prey to the life i ran away
    never a word or anything to say
    secrecy and a bitter soul
    this journey into the dirt has made me Whole
