Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jon Secada - Do You Believe In Us


For Some Reason Jon Secada has 3 songs that remind me of the time when i was away from you "MY Terria",The other 2 "just another day"," and all I really want is you"i hear them in my head and in my soul and remember my bittersweet emotions of pains and confusion and a incredibly rough time in our lives. But time therapy and the love we share and build upon are real stonewalled reasons we thrive so mightily today.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to thank you foir the wonderful care package of love you packed me for my trip last week. The hnadmade cards and cake confetti are priceless momentos of the love you bring every single day. i am so blessed to have you in my life better than ever before and stronger than we could ever imagine. No more complacency and no more feelings of inadeqacy on my part. I am worthy of this love that you give me and i am a wonderful commodity to you in your life as well. As i said the other night, This trip to See Shawn has opened my eyes up in aother areas of the love spectrum, i saw it and became a part of something special in my life and i see how I can improve upon what i already deem as the best going but never want to stop trying again. Loving you from my desktop and always in my mind and soul-G-Man
