Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Slow Days!

another day of nothingness here at Work, but I'm not complaining at all just going with the flow and trying to keep up the blog spot and let the feeling flow and get my shit straightened out even more so. Not much going on in my world or life other than the constant positives that wifey and I manage to maintain and build upon, Brandon doing well in culinary school and I'm getting the itch to bake for the my friends here at work and our little social group outside of work. Terria , thanks for the muffin pan , now i can make muffins instead of cupcakes and now we can get creative, wonder why it was so hard to find muffin pans that were of the good quality that we require. doing a little reading of my therapist recommended reading"Psycho-Cybernetics and the art of self discovery and in a sense giving and removing scars and essentially giving yourself a mental face lift and positive outlooks and seeing yourself differently and visualizing a newer more productive person. Very good book and a highly recommended piece of literature. Shared my awesome experience of my trip with My coworkers and how i came back with a new sense of awareness and understanding of the term LOVE. I am so happy to have experienced the understanding of how the human heart really works! God bless you All!

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