Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alter Ego's

Over the past 7 years my friends from the Prozac crew started calling me Gregasaurus, being the biggest and the oldest man in our group seemed appropriate and a fitting tag for the man at the front of the pack. we rode hard and fast and did some stupid stuff in our days and like family always had some drama. The man who coined the phrase Gregasaurus is no longer with our crew, had a falling out with another member about something that now seems ridiculous. but whatever the case Russ was a cool dude and a shame that he is amongst the lost friends that we have endured over the years. So the coined Phrase stuck and we have created a Monster amongst the internet pages of the Prozac crew and the Facebook and Blogs amongst my realm. The Gregasaurus is a mean man who takes no prisoners and will fight to the death on line about something that hits hit nerve, I will talk as much shit to anybody about anything if i do not agree. The Gregasaurus is the online bully that nobody fucks with and knows better to provoke, kind of mirrors the real man Greg Duran in a sense but Gregasaurus has a real mean streak when needed and will stay there til the job is done. The Term " kick em in the dick was used as much as the work ok i the day and the 4 letter words come flying out of the Gregasaurus with an ease and grace that makes some people laugh or get butt hurt, better be laughing cuz the Gregasaurus will make you laugh , or make you cry but being Butthurt is an unacceptable practice in my world. Taking ones self too seriously is a sin in my world, for I make fun of myself as much as I do others, I'm just better at it for the sake of humor. so i have as much fun as ever with this character and love to make people laugh as much as possible and hope that the world is a better place because of my abilities to make people laugh and take a load off the stressful ways of our everyday.
The Saurus on the other hand is a more cerebral and thoughtful alter ego character of mine. The term Saurus was given to me by Erwin a riding buddy from the Prozac crew and has always referred to me as SaurusN8r as we call him Erwin8r, so we bonded and that was the side of Greg who was the friend and the thought full guy who still would make you laugh but would be more intent on listening and helping a brother or a sister out. Facebook is mainly Gregasaurus but is shifting more to a Saurus mode because my friend group has changes ever so drastically and now have a few teachers and a few old high school friends of mine and that's pretty much it, no friends of a friend but people that i see and talk to everyday. going from a high of 52 FB friends which at the time i thought was fucking retarded
to have that many friends that which 5 of them were friends, i have since paired it down to 23, and not to exceed 25. i have some people i know who have 3-4-7 hundred friends on Face book which is as ridiculous as it gets but that's a rant for another time when the Gregasaurus wants to fuck with somebody's fragile ego. The Saurus kinder gentler side is a mirror image of the real Greg who is a listener and a problem solver and being called a nice man over the past 2 months by my new crew of friends that meet for happy hours and party's is a great new thing for Terria and I to experience together. My special thanks to Robert Nevarez and Chancey, The crew of girls, Deb,Bobbi and Stacy we have had some good dinners, meetings and happy hours. My boy Nevarez is coming down this weekend and coming to the house for BBQ and some monster cookies. So with all this being said my characters and alter ego's are just a gimmick and help me to stay grounded. i know who the real Greg Duran truly is and i try hard each day to become a better person all around, helping , listening and being a positive part of people lives when and where i can be. I only hope that i am judged by what I do and say, not the degree in how i say it, the alter ego and caricatures that i have created are for my use and never to be interpreted as anything other than a man trying to create reinvent some humor for the benefit of his friends and even the enemies that I don't have yet. So in the words of my friend Brad Holland" that shit is "Kung Pao" Damn i miss that guy , i wish he would move back from Mexico and get the crew back together. Loving life and all its inhabitants, some more than others, God Bless you all

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