Thursday, September 30, 2010

A road to new Freedoms

Today I embark on a onetime frightening journey of seeing the orthopedic Dr. Since that day that i blew out what i though was my good knee i told myself that it is time to fix em both and move forward and start living a better pain free life and quit being the tough guy and enjoying the pain. So Dr. O'Halloran will see me today, i feel good about him , he is the best Ortho in the area and did My sweeties Shoulder and rotor cuff surgeries last year with much success. So today is the beginning of a more certain future for me and I do look forward to recovery and the hopes to play my Tennis again, Baseball and Basketball, joggin on the beach like i used to and able to walk or run anywhere pain free and carefree. Thank God for being able to workout and stay strong, otherwise i'd be a mess. so i am putting all former reservations aide and look onward to the goal of health and freedom to walk and run as i please , pain free and footloose again. I don't or wont know how much recovery, how soon he will be able to do the opposite knee and what the prognosis are until he gets in there and seeks and destroys whatever it is that makes me hurt. So again i put my terria in the nursemaid role and she assures me that this is a good thing , knowing that I will be free from pain and able to live a more fruitful everyday makes her look forward to helping me get around. So i have high hopes and expectations and feel good about the entire process. just wished it wouldn't have taken a second bad knee to take care of this. anyway feeling good about it all and staying positive for a quick recovery and more time to golf, ride motorcycles and do all the things that i haven't been able to do over the past 8 years. Thanks in advance Terria for being supportive before, during and after the surgeries, must seem like Deja Vu for you to be in a position again as my caretaker, but as you know i ain't no pussy and won't be down for long, i got through the hardest thing in my life in November and the knee thing is a fly on the wall in comparison. we will do well with this and i plan on crutchin it to the gym...Trust me on this

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