Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another long weekend down and looking forward to another workweek . Very quiet weekend spent with family and some good meals, some cooking and some baking and some overall togetherness! The knee is still hurting me and can't really do much, with 2 bad knees the gym is the only thing I can do and that even hurts like hell at times. So my trip to NC is coming up in less than 2 weeks and I really look forward to seeing Shawn and his family and possibly meeting my Friend Ruth at the same time. Upon returning from My trip I have a date with the Orthopedic to see when I get my knees fixed and get back to a better quality of life and no more hobbling around. So Again i put Terria ,my Saint in nursemaid role of taking care of me while my knee heals, depending on what they find will determine how long I am down. So I hope that the down time is not too long and I can get back to normal and do the things I want to do . But I will crawl to the gym and do what I am able to do regardless. So a new workweek begins and a positive outlook ahead of us all!

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