Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Back to work after the trip to Carolina, all is good at work my crew is happy to see me and the fact that I'm glad to be back to the daily grind is a good thing too! I'm a little tire after getting home and to bed by 2 am last night, but the fact that i was in my own bed with my wife was priceless. I took away many things from my trip East, a new understanding and awareness of what good people do and how they treat each other under any circumstances. My Friend Shawn was amazing as he always is, and his family made me feel like a family member and not the company who they couldn't wait to leave. I did a lot of cool, things on my trip, took some good pictures, rode the quad and dirt bike, rode 2 road bikes and actually rode Shawn's bike to over 120 mph leaned over in a turn or two, didn't think i had it in me but it evidently never went away. So I am back to normal today , a little tired but yet refreshed with a new sense of understanding that all happens for a reason and people come into your life at the right time to make a positive difference and change in my perception of how life should be lived. Yes I am tired and I am looking forward to a good workout, did some walking for 3 days in the humidity felt really good and sweat like a pig out there. But back to my 2 a day workouts and try to lose a few pounds that i probably gained on the trip, we ate well and i cooked 2 chocolate cakes and made a lot of fatty foods for them so i ate poorly this week. I am very happy to be back into my daily ruckus and am more so blessed to be back into my home with my wife and kids. Thank Shawn and family, Ruth and John and the lady in the airport who talked my ear off in her southern drawl at the coffee shop while waiting for the plane to leave yesterday.... too damn funny. God blessed me with a goodness that i don't even realize I have at times, i am a selfish soul and have dedicated myself and my life to living and being a better human being to everybody

1 comment:

  1. If ever i saw a picture
    it was seen a few hours ago
    the snapshot in my mind
    the one that brings me home for good

    I live and i learn
    I rise and i fall
    I try to be strong
    yet I'm human and get real weak

    Too nay thoughts run in my brain
    So much to process over again
    I think about thinking too much today
    Tomorrow i think i wont think again

    I miss and I yearn
    I cry and i learn
    each day is a test
    measure by incremental progress

    I feel the pains subside
    I hear the noises dimmer outside
    If the world came crashing into a mountain
    what would you do to find you peace

    I thought of death and of destruction
    I heard my friend say he's not afraid to Die
    a common place for a spiritual soul
    Yet i feel the same but want to live forever

    Putting the weight back on my shoulders
    i stop myself and hear michaels words
    Alow and receive its ok to do so
    my worthiness upgraded to first class again

    I feel so good about where I'm at
    At times I digress and go on back
    troubled times make me understand
    the lifes true goodness and the master plan

    At peaceful sleep with myself
    I unload to burdens to reload my shelf
    with life supplies and helpful tools
    So i live and i love under Gods Rules
