Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Marshall Crenshaw Whenever You're on My Mind & Our Town

I love this song and it takes me back to a time when i thought i had it figured out, but years of mistakes and falling down and getting up again make this even more special to me. God bless you Terria for making this our song again!

1 comment:

  1. Growth

    I was told one day that I mattered
    I was also told that I had something to give
    Then i read my own press clippings
    And forgot was being hungry was all about

    When i lost my drive and power
    Stalled aside the roadway of my life
    I hugged myself and praised my existance
    while the cars all passed me by

    Moving with the flow of things
    has never been my style
    to run against the grain and opposition
    being questioned all the while

    The past has embittered me
    yet made me better than before
    by living and falling,dropping and stalling
    my lessons are learned at quite the cost

    I dont read much anymore
    I think to replace my hardbound prophecies
    I miss my guru and and fight to pull through
    the mediocrity that I almost allowed

    I fight no more meaningless battles
    of self or from foe
    the lifes true lessons
    have given me everything I need to know

    And strike back the letters
    the poems on my soul
    A song to sing, that love did bring
    me back to where it all started

    I embark on new beginnings
    not new anymore but new to me
    I circumvent my yesterdays misgivings
    by confronting them when i walk

    This mind embattled with ADHD
    This body of seek and destroy with pain
    This soul of giving and kinder days
    This is your Husband and your MAN
