Monday, February 28, 2011

Just an Observation

I have ventured beyond my own blog on occasion to see what the rest of the world has to say, not much different than mine but there is a definite slant towards Religion in most of these blogs. I for one am not about religion but faith in God and the means to  salvation and ways to better understand how to be kind and good to one another. the whole religion money making machine is just that, a far cry away fro the word of god and the fact that many are good at hiding the fact that it's business first and passing on the word secondarily is a bit appalling to me. But be what it may i can only seek out my own salvation and freedom from outside influence and realize that Religion is distinctly a man -made agenda for their own purpose. don't get me wrong there are many factions that get it right but mainly seem to be too many religions out there projecting their own agenda, and don't get me started on the fundamentalist side of the house, they are way out of bounds and telling everybody not like them that they are wrong. Bottom line is to believe and lead a productive life by giving and sharing and living by that golden rule! Time in our lives is so short and yet we can dwell on the stupid things, the Narcissist in us all comes in and truly de-regulates what we are capable of being. People by nature have so much goodness and yet we only see parts of it and the other parts go away into the abyss somewhere. why in fact is the public opinion or peer pressure so damn important these days, Ever see the girls wearing windshields for sunglasses, looks like crap but since the fashion tells them that JaLO wears them they must follow suit, or the Nig NOg nation of urbanites has taken over the hip hop nation of things like the NBA and the NFL where self promotion is more important than being productive. just a few examples of where i feel we are missing the plot but that's my own personal demon that i must let go. Trust me not a racist bone in my body but not really into the self promoting that goes on where our kids look to first for guidance, the professional athletes. Which is why the MLB has a better hold on the theatrics otherwise they get nailed in the noggin with a 95 mph fastball for showing somebody up ! But back to the point of faith and goodness and being a better person to more is really where we fall short! I just try to live everyday like i want it to be lived, when negativity comes knocking I do not open that door and let it go away, spirituality is so good for us these days and the key to keeping the Negativity that some many people try to share with us. God has really blessed us with the Goodness of a strong family and the few good true friends that we have. I am a very open minded person who has so many views on so many things and as the years have progressed have realized that I cannot fight the battles in other's minds, i can only keep my own world very small and safe as I see it. You won't hear Scriptures from me or quoting the bible at all, i don't truly believe that  is what Christianity is all about. sharing goodness goes deeper than quoting scriptures and sharing the word, i choose to share the goodness that God gives me and If that Isn't in the Bible than the bible is not a good book to read, Knowing that it is I understand the need for Blind faith, nothing is ever absolute but the faith that you can have in god and in your fellow human beings. Yet thi s faith can and has made pour lives more stressful, pulling at the fabric of WHO we are by being constantly disappointed by our friends and family when they do bonehead things and don't do what they say they will do ,yet we as Christians empathize and try to forgive and hold them in our hearts and prayers to get it right and be at the place where they should be.  Problem is , that the place where they should be in their minds should  never have to coincide with what my mind see's as a better place. I can be judgemental at times and for this I do apologize, but I think i always want the best for everybody and when I see the self Sabotage going on around us it makes me angry , makes me feel like I can help them , when in fact I can only share the wealth and if they listen then it will be a bonus, assuming that I'm right is also another downfall of mine so taking everything with a grain of salt I only hope that things are well for all and the worlds volatility calms down, we have so many things going on in the world right now and so much hatred being spread, unfortunately from a lot of our elected Far right officials but that's another story in itself that i won't waste my time with. Give faith a chance and let Religion pay its own way, for they are worlds apart in my eyes.. good Day!

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