Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Personal Maintenance and Parenthood 101

hERE AT WORK AND AN HOUR TO GO IN THE WORKDAY, NO GYM TODAY FOR ME AND THE RAINS AND WINDS HAVE TAKEN THE GOLF OPTION AWAY FOR THE DAY. fEEL A GOOD THERAPY SESSION WITH MICHAEL COMING ON AND I DO NOT HAVVE MUCH TO SAY BUT FEEL A VISIT THERE IS A GOOD THING...oops, Caps Lock Doh! Anyway i feel like a day off from everything , word from Terria and being a mother never subsides, even when visiting our boy on a mini vacation. Very mad props to T on her quest for ur boys success and happiness, being young and dumb doesn't always afford the best judgement in the world and we all make mistake, some biger than others but as a youngster the reprocutions of these actions have no history and nothing to cross reference the right and wrong and the things of working themselves out are an uncertainty when dealing with shit for the first time! I do commend the strength and the communication abilities of my wife for she is strong and powerful with her actions and her words and does not hold anything back..ever. i love that feature about a strong woman and the fact that she can and would survive fine without me or any other man just on her wits and abilities to survive and thrive in this topsy turvy world of ours. so much Pride goes out when i think of my wife and knowing she is the supportive mother, wife and friend to so many on so many occasions is truly a commendable thing to live with. I am so very blessed to be in this strength and to be able to give this all back to her day by day minute by minute and hope that this will be good enough in the end. My visit with Michael will be a nice change of pace to share whatever comes to mind, my anxiety my sleepless nights, or nights when i'm up til 2 am thinking and pondering my life, my days and the years ahead of us . this in fact could be my Achilles heel, the thought processes of over indulging the mind with needless thoughts and sometimes doubts as to how i live and prosper with so much left to mend in my mind and in my heart. being such a powerful and dynamic person i hurt people ,i love people and I give so much of myself in areas that maybe should be left alone, but my caring nature sometimes blinds my better judgement and takes me the long way to get back where i should be. right now i miss my wife and i miss my conversations and loving her every single day, my loneliness right now leads me to self medicate with doing things, the gym, golfing , searching online and my Ebay gig  to get me to 3:25 pm this Sunday when My life can regain it's order and i hug my sweetie really tight.  Good Days and good times i know , but for now i occupy myself with the positive thoughts and directing my energy to the good things that await me when i get home!

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