Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Celebrating Growth

Each and every day is a real celebration of life for me these days, the  mistakes have been made , the pains doled out and the recovery well on it's way to the finishing line! I can only look back for a minute  and realize that every therapy session has a purpose, every conversation is a building block to better future and all that has transpired over the past 11 months has turned into a godsend when it appeared at one point that it would be the end of me! Odd how life takes turns wowing me and then disappointing me! Each and every aspect of where I have been and where i am at today are a journey of many things that had to happen and are and will continue to happen the way they are meant to! I can honestly say that my world and my perspective are both huge  and very small at the same time, My world has become a small microcosm of what is and should be, my perspective has gtrown beyond the scope of Greg Duran, more aware of things other than Greg, feelings and emotions are more readily dealt with and the games of Suppression are slowly going away. I have learned more about myself over the past year that I at times see myself asa diiferent person altogether, at least a more complete human being and definitely more in tunes with the abilities of giving and listening and being a better everything to those that truly matter. Picking my lifes battles and not taking on the world in all of it's stupidity has allowed to focus more on the inner Me and more on the Fsamily that I love and cherish so dearly. It's never all about me anymore and my selfish mentality has been paired down a bit, but my giving was never in question just needed to do more of it and be more thoughtful to others and their feeling and emotions. That being said I beat myself up on a daily basis about growing fast enough, well enough and just plain want things to progress the way i want them to, my patience is not a virtue and that is a key element in what ails me at times! So the growth continues, be it as fast or quickly as i'd like it to it has happened and it is a good thing. The fact that Terria  has put to rest some of her fears and i have made the strides in the right direction to realize and recognize the issues that were and have been so detrimental in my growth. The fact that i can now say as  a Good christian human being that i can feel and heal and be able to sympathize and empathize with so many other areas of life is a good step in the right direction. to walk a mile in somebody elses shoes is a good way to look at life and it makes us stop and think about how we would feel if the roles were reversed. This is surely growth and i can no longer expect the world to grow at my pace in my sequence and in my wrath of being the way i want things to be. i must and have made allowances for the world not always being to Greg's Spec's and for that i am thankful! Growth is a good thing.!  

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